

On 12 Wednesday 12th December, 2007 I on class today I take Linn to have lunch at Papa Pond far a little bit from ABAC. I went to that restaurant with Pound Name and Linn and Sak. We order a lot of food. I think a table is small for my food. This restaurant is selling about pizza but it not normal pizza. This food is call fusion food because this restaurant is mix pizza with Thai food. We came here by my car because my car is save more than friend’s car. I ate a lot of pizza. After that I ate pudding and big chocolate cake. I was very full up. After that we came back to ABAC to send Name at her car because she wants to come back to her home at Chonburi. After we send Name at her car we go to park my car at ABAC condo. We sat in my car about 1 hour because we didn’t know we would like to go. I decide to go to Suan Rod Fai Park nearly JJ or Jatujak. We separate to go by myself. I drove my car keep up with friend’s car because I didn’t know the way. I reach there about 4 o’clock in the afternoon. We go straight to rent a couple-bicycle for riding in a big park. I ridding with Linn and Pound ridding with Sak. We were very funny in this afternoon. After we exercise by ride bicycle, we are so tried before I rent a bicycle I rent a mat 20 baht/day. I mat on glass and talking together when we tried after we felt better we ridding a bicycle to see butterfly dome inside Suan Rod Fai Park. I saw many kind of butterfly such as big and small butterfly. I don’t know its name. We walk around this dome used a little bit time because this dome nearly out of time. We came here too late but in this dome have a little thing interest. We went out of here and ridding a bicycle again. We were ridding a bicycle to give back a bicycle and mat. After that we walk to the pool nearly there. Linn tell me she wants to row a boat. I went to beside the pool and told renter to rent a boat. I row boat with Linn. She row in front of me because I more weight than her. I tease her by row a boat near fountain. She fear wet. I row a boat around the pool. Before I went to row a boat I bought a feed for fish when I row a boat in the center of the pool. I give a feed for fish but it didn’t have any fish in here. I got a feed back and row my boat to pool bank because this nearly dark. I give fish feed to a dog. I went out from there to send Linn at her home when I drove my car to main way it was very traffic jam very much. But when I drove my car across the bridge traffic was clear. After that I went back to my home.


Water fall

On Friday 7th December, 2007 I went to take Linn at her home to watch a movie. I met her since Wednesday. I take her to Major Pin Karo nearly her home. I met her at 11.00 a.m. I went to have lunch at KFC to eat some fried chicken. We ate a lot of food and we are very full up. After we finished this lunch we went to watch a movie on third floor I bought a ticket at box office. This movie is name The Golden Compass. This movie is about a girl who is the owner of golden compass. This compass can tell the truth to only her. In the movie have three world are Wizard Human Gipsy and Ice white bear. They live in another dimension but it can connect by dust. Every people in this movie will have imp animal personal. In the movie has Junto. (Like government to control every tribe) They want a girl to belong to Junto for use the golden compass. This movie has three part and I was very exciting with movie. When we finished in movie I went to Park at Puttamonton for feed on fish. Before I went to watch a movie Linn’s mom gave me a lot of bread. Linn drove my car to parking nearly pool. We sat at the bench beside the pool. When I sat at the bench I saw a lot of fish come on and open the wide mouth for waiting my food. We gave a lot of food to a lot of fish. I saw a lot of fish are very long about 1 meter. That is very long. I stay to give some food for fish about 2 hours and after that we went to pray Buddha Image. After that I went back to my Linn’s home to send her back and I went to come back my home too. Today I was skip class myself.
On Saturday 8th December, 2007 I went to take Linn at her home. We went to have a lunch at PrewPak noodle nearly ABAC I intend to study today. I met Pound and his girlfriend to have lunch too. After I had lunch I went to ABAC Condo for park my car while I drove my car to ABAC my friend call me and told me about today teacher was skip class. I felt upset because I was intending to study today. After that I appoint with Pound and Linn and Name and Son to go to travel. We went to Water fall by my car because my car uses LPG gas. That was frugal more than friend’s car. I was drove my car about 2 hours to reached water fall. When I reached Saliga Water fall we walk about 500 meter from my car to waterfall we walk across beck to stone and we sat here. We order Papaya pok pok and chicken grill. After that we walking and take a lot of photo. And after that we went back to Bangkok and we have dinner together at Ducki Suki and I send Linn at her home and I came back to my home too.



On Saturday December 01, 2007 I went to study at ABAC in the afternoon when I finished in this class. I study together in same subject with Linn. I drove my car came back home with her. My mom was call me to go to bought something at Big-C. We went together with my mom, Linn and me. When we reach there we have dinner at Big-C but my mom didn’t have dinner too because my mom want to have dinner with my dad. My mom was waiting Linn and I had dinner. After that we went to second floor for bought something such as powder, some food and detergent when we finished to shopping at Big-C. I went to send my mom at home and I drove my car to sent Linn at her home. After that I was met my friend for his birthday’s party at Son Sa Lung Pub across police station Tonglor. I went to met my friend late about half and hour. He is an old friend and very my close friend since kindergarten until now. When we reached at pub my friend was sitting in front of pub for waiting me. After that I went into pub about 9.00 p.m. I met a lot of my friend here. I drink a little alcohol because I fear an alcohol tester at check point. I was very fun in this party. I had a girl court me but I didn’t interest in her because I has a girlfriend. I ate birthday’s cake. It was very delicious. I met son. He is friend at ABAC. He and his friend were sat in front of the rest room. That was very good view for searching any beautiful women because in front of rest room this only one place has a light you can see a real face here. In the dark you cannot know a woman beautiful or not. I was saw in the dark this girl was very beautiful when she came in to the light I was shock that was very difference from a moment. But a place son was sat had a little people dancing this place apposite for looking women only. I say hi with him and went on to my table. I was dancing all night. I so tried very much. I was hear a lot of song. There was plays a lot of Thai favorite song. I like live concert because that can make my feeling better more that cd. I went out from pub about 2.00 a.m. But it was closed about 3.00 a.m. I came back to home with my friend. My friend was drunk but we each drive car. I didn’t drunk at night I was drove my car keep up with friend’s car. He drove his car like a snake. I was tried to keep him safe by prevent car behind me. That was very hard for me. I reach home at 2.30 a.m. This day I was much tried but I was fun too.


Go to hospital

On Thursday 22 th November 2007 I went to watch a Movie at Major Pinkaro nearly home’ Linn. We watch movie about romantic movie. I didn’t think this movie is about gay. Movie is name Rak Hang Siam. This movie is about love between boy and another boy, they are very handsome boy. In the beginning had two main family. Each family had a son. They were study together in same primary school. One boy was annoyed by other friend and his close friend will help him. When they growth one family had a problem inside they went out and go find a new place. This problem is about his daughter was lost between journey. Two boys were study in another school. Someday they run across at siam square. They exchange his mobile phone number and they talk together. One boy had girlfriend but he feel boring in her because his girlfriend. After that he turns to his old friend. One day his mother saw his son kiss with his old friend. She couldn’t unbearable with that behavior and next day she came to talk with son’ friend about that. She made him sad very much. Old friends was angry with him. After that this story not happy ending. After the movie finish we had dinner at Chester’s grill. And I came back to my home after sent Linn at her home. This day is very simple. I thing it haven’t anything wrong. Next day I met Linn again because today we didn’t have any class I went to had lunch together at Ducki Suki nearly ABAC. It was very delicious and it was high price too. After we have lunch we went to play Bowling at RCA. We play only one game because I couldn’t use discount card. I won in this game. And I sent her at her home again because this day I feel headache and stomach ache. When I came back home I went to toilet. I was diarrhea and headache too. I felt very bad. About 11.30 p.m. I drove my car went out to hospital nearly my home, I came with my mom. I call up my mom when her sleepy. When I reach the hospital operator at hospital sent me to emergency room. They check my blood and gave me some saline solution, because I didn’t have any power. They check my blood pressure. I stay at hospital at night. I feel annoyed when nurse came in my room because she came in very often. I want to sleep at night.
Next day I met Linn to go to Loy Kra Tong day. In Next day I didn’t better more than yesterday because I still trot. In the morning Linn came to look after me I had a little breakfast because food at hospital was distasteful. Linn went to find a food for patient with my mom. She went out by my car. She got some noodle for me. At night Linn came back to her home and my mom had look after me again. After I went out from hospital I got saline about 5 bottle and paid about 7100 baht for 2 night at hospital.


Good job

On Sunday 4 th November 2007 I went to the Temple with my family and friend’ mom and two kids. We went with my cars. I was fill gas at gas station, because my gas nearly empty. I feel happy when my parent and I went out together, because my mom will pay a gas bill. That is a joke. After I refill gas car finish I was drove on express way and go straight to the Temple They call Wat Loungporsotorn. We will go there very month or two day per month. When we reach I went to bought joss stick and flower and candle for pray image of Buddha. I and my parent went into temple to pray and benediction. After that we went to market nearly there. I bought some drink and some food. We take a trip only pray a monk. My mom’s friend was bought some image of Buddha. I hold that to my car and lay it in the back of my car. After finish this trip I went to sent mom’s friend to her home. After that I and my parent came back to home too. This is all of today.
On Saturday 17 th November 2007 I went to study at ABAC but I decided to skip class today because I was very lazy. In a few minute after I decide to skip class my friend call me for going to Cub Pa Chalachay Stadium nearly Siam Square. I decided to go there to meet my friend. This day had Jaturamit sport day. This day have four school play football together such as Assumption College, Bangkok Christian College, Thapsirin and Suankurab. Between I go there Linn’s mom call her and tell her to go to wedding ceremony. I must choose between Jaturamit and wedding ceremony. I decided to go to wedding ceremony because Jaturamit has two day but wedding ceremony had only one day. I drove my car with Linn came back to my home for changing my suit. I reach my home and go on to my room for change my suit. I saw Linn talking together with my dad and mom. A few minute we went out from my home to go to Linn’s home. She went to got an invitation and change her dress. After that we went to wedding ceremony I didn’t knew any people but Linn knew groom and bride. I felt wrong because I didn’t know any people in this ceremony. This ceremony gave Chinese food to guests. We had very good dinner today. Such as Shark's fin soup, big fried prawn balls and other. I was very full up in this dinner. After we full up we went to say good bye with groom and bride. I went to sent Linn at her home and I was talk about this day with Linn’s mom about 10 minute. I felt sleepy very much. I say goodbye everybody and drove my car came back home. Between I drove I felt very sleepy so much because I was very full up in dinner. In the end I came back home to be safe.



Friday 2 nd November 2007 I went to Bang Sane with linn. We went out from ABAC. I date her at 8.30 a.m. She came to met me at 9.30 a.m. I didn’t worry in it. We went out and reach at Bang Sane about 10.40 a.m. We didn’t have breakfast in the morning. We were very hungry. I fear her angry because she was hungry. I hurry to find a restaurant beside a sea. I drove my car circle around the hill. Hill name Khao Sam Mook. The restaurant is back of the mountain. The restaurant is name Tip Pramong. This place is good view to see a sea. I order a few of food such as Fried rice with crab and shrimp. And Fried Fish in sweet sauce. And Mussel Griddle. That all of delicious. I think this lunch about 500 Baht when I call server to check bill. I was shock this lunch was 1,150 Baht. This price was very much more than I think. When we finished lunch we go to the beach and sleep together on the bench at the beach. I see many people go there for eating sea food at the beach. When I woke up I was hungry again I was an order some food from food service behind me. I order about sea food again. In this time I didn’t forgot to ask the price before I order it. This meal was low prices more than my lunch very much but it was delicious same my lunch. I almost forgot to tell about my area seat. We rent camp bed for two seat about 60 baht. My seat was very nearly sea to much. Beside my seat I saw a lot of life preserver. But I didn’t rent it, because we didn’t want to play water in the sea. When we finished this meal we were walking seacoast together. This time was very romantic but something broken it. I saw some tourist play jet-ski and many people playing banana boat. I hear scream voice from people who play banana boat. This thing was broken my feeling romantic. I was laughter that. But I didn’t care in it. I am a comfortable man. I think we was ate the entire trip. We feel very happy in this day. After that we came back to Bangkok about 18.30 P.M. I went to sent Linn at her home. I was very tried in this day. Then I was drove my car came back to my home. In this night we talk about this day all night. And then we sleep in same time. In Saturday 3 th November 2007 I had a class to study. This subject is about method for suing in criminal case but I study in thai language. I was study alone because my friends were finished already in this subject and I don’t bound with other person. I was pay attention to listen to study in this class because this subject is very hard for me that about 4 credit in only one subject. First class in this subject I was understood everything teacher teach me. I thing I will attention to study again in next class.


Weekend before New Semester

Last Saturday, I woke up at 7.30 a.m. I had work in this day. I drove my car to Assumption University. I reach Assumption University at 8.30 a.m. for met my friend. When I reach I found my friend waiting me. I’m parking at ABAC condo. He came to go with me by my car. We must go to work at the building side for building houses for homeless people. The building side was very far from ABAC. I didn’t have a map for go there. Because one of my friends tells me “I didn’t go.” But he hold a map for go there. I and my friend was go wrong way. I drove car about 2 hours for found side building. That is very waste fuel. That time could not contact any people in side work. After that my friend can call a people who know the way. And we could go there. We reach the side building at 11.00 a.m. when we reach the building we go straight to working suddenly. We feel wrong because we came very late.
I go to hold the bucket cement to send it in to a pattern. After that about one and half hour we finished work. I was working a short time because I came very late. But I feel happy for finished in first day because I work a little bit this feeling like a little devil. Then after that I finished I came back to Assumption University for send my friend to his car and I drove my car came back home. Suddenly I reach home I sleep very fast because I woke up very early in the morning for weekend. This work I did for foundation of Habitat for Humanity of Thailand. I must do any work for public.
Because Ethic subject order every junior to do some work for public.

Last Sunday, I woke up same time in yesterday. This day I had activity same yesterday everything. I went to work side on time today. I think before reach here this work today same yesterday but I was wrong. Today I must went to second floor to bond a faggot together. This work wasn’t safe because I must stand on one wood plate on second floor. My friend had many cut on his hand from faggot. But we had some lucky because we work a little bit today. I work only 2 hours. I almost forget important things that my lunch. First day my lunch was rice with pork fry. This rice was very strong and pork too. I and my friend got this lunch and we gave a rice box for a dog outside there. I hate first lunch in here. And next at lunch today was better more than yesterday. I and my friend were eaten this lunch empty because we so tried from work and I did have breakfast. After I finished this work I went back to University for got my car. Today I went to work site by friend’s car. After I got my car I went back to home suddenly. For sleep same yesterday.