

Friday 2 nd November 2007 I went to Bang Sane with linn. We went out from ABAC. I date her at 8.30 a.m. She came to met me at 9.30 a.m. I didn’t worry in it. We went out and reach at Bang Sane about 10.40 a.m. We didn’t have breakfast in the morning. We were very hungry. I fear her angry because she was hungry. I hurry to find a restaurant beside a sea. I drove my car circle around the hill. Hill name Khao Sam Mook. The restaurant is back of the mountain. The restaurant is name Tip Pramong. This place is good view to see a sea. I order a few of food such as Fried rice with crab and shrimp. And Fried Fish in sweet sauce. And Mussel Griddle. That all of delicious. I think this lunch about 500 Baht when I call server to check bill. I was shock this lunch was 1,150 Baht. This price was very much more than I think. When we finished lunch we go to the beach and sleep together on the bench at the beach. I see many people go there for eating sea food at the beach. When I woke up I was hungry again I was an order some food from food service behind me. I order about sea food again. In this time I didn’t forgot to ask the price before I order it. This meal was low prices more than my lunch very much but it was delicious same my lunch. I almost forgot to tell about my area seat. We rent camp bed for two seat about 60 baht. My seat was very nearly sea to much. Beside my seat I saw a lot of life preserver. But I didn’t rent it, because we didn’t want to play water in the sea. When we finished this meal we were walking seacoast together. This time was very romantic but something broken it. I saw some tourist play jet-ski and many people playing banana boat. I hear scream voice from people who play banana boat. This thing was broken my feeling romantic. I was laughter that. But I didn’t care in it. I am a comfortable man. I think we was ate the entire trip. We feel very happy in this day. After that we came back to Bangkok about 18.30 P.M. I went to sent Linn at her home. I was very tried in this day. Then I was drove my car came back to my home. In this night we talk about this day all night. And then we sleep in same time. In Saturday 3 th November 2007 I had a class to study. This subject is about method for suing in criminal case but I study in thai language. I was study alone because my friends were finished already in this subject and I don’t bound with other person. I was pay attention to listen to study in this class because this subject is very hard for me that about 4 credit in only one subject. First class in this subject I was understood everything teacher teach me. I thing I will attention to study again in next class.

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