

On Saturday December 01, 2007 I went to study at ABAC in the afternoon when I finished in this class. I study together in same subject with Linn. I drove my car came back home with her. My mom was call me to go to bought something at Big-C. We went together with my mom, Linn and me. When we reach there we have dinner at Big-C but my mom didn’t have dinner too because my mom want to have dinner with my dad. My mom was waiting Linn and I had dinner. After that we went to second floor for bought something such as powder, some food and detergent when we finished to shopping at Big-C. I went to send my mom at home and I drove my car to sent Linn at her home. After that I was met my friend for his birthday’s party at Son Sa Lung Pub across police station Tonglor. I went to met my friend late about half and hour. He is an old friend and very my close friend since kindergarten until now. When we reached at pub my friend was sitting in front of pub for waiting me. After that I went into pub about 9.00 p.m. I met a lot of my friend here. I drink a little alcohol because I fear an alcohol tester at check point. I was very fun in this party. I had a girl court me but I didn’t interest in her because I has a girlfriend. I ate birthday’s cake. It was very delicious. I met son. He is friend at ABAC. He and his friend were sat in front of the rest room. That was very good view for searching any beautiful women because in front of rest room this only one place has a light you can see a real face here. In the dark you cannot know a woman beautiful or not. I was saw in the dark this girl was very beautiful when she came in to the light I was shock that was very difference from a moment. But a place son was sat had a little people dancing this place apposite for looking women only. I say hi with him and went on to my table. I was dancing all night. I so tried very much. I was hear a lot of song. There was plays a lot of Thai favorite song. I like live concert because that can make my feeling better more that cd. I went out from pub about 2.00 a.m. But it was closed about 3.00 a.m. I came back to home with my friend. My friend was drunk but we each drive car. I didn’t drunk at night I was drove my car keep up with friend’s car. He drove his car like a snake. I was tried to keep him safe by prevent car behind me. That was very hard for me. I reach home at 2.30 a.m. This day I was much tried but I was fun too.

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